With the RKS rotation squeegees type RS / RS WP RKS is able to deliver a highly flexible squeegee blade, which still remains stable enough to stay with in the necessary parameters such as print angle , parallel, pressure, and will not take on any form or memory in or after use.
The results in print speak for them selves:
In direct comparison to the commonly used standard blade, the type RS / RS WP delivers a substantially higher print speed (up to 15% increase) is possible with no compromise to the printed end result.
An insoluble bond between the carrier and the elastic print edge allows with this blade, without a problem for a very much more extended time in print.
The RKS blade type RS can also be reground. Through this you can greatly increase the life of the blade in comparison to the more commonly used steel blade with a PU print edge applied to it.
The print shows, that in co-operation with the RKS RS / RS WP blade the life expectancy of the screen is increased.
Going over to the new squeegee blade allows you to be more productive more economical and your time when not in print is reduced.
RKS blade type RS / RS WP can de made for all of the most popular types of machine and is delivered ready to print.